HLA Board Elections Informational
Are you interested in joining the HLA Board of Directors?
Join us for our March Informational and learn about roles, responsibilities and how you can help shape the future of HLA.
Attendance is mandatory for anyone interested in running for a Board Position.

March General Body Meeting
Join HLA for our March General Body Meeting: What’s the Emergency? Immediate Impact of Health Care Changes Under New Administration, featuring Apriel Powell, UTMB Healthcare.
The session will be focused on recent court decisions, proposed legislation (state and federal), and likely trends in health care, with an emphasis on access, costs, and delivery. The specific areas of focus will include topics in managed care/insurance, reproductive medicine, mental health, and prescription drug prices. Additional discussion will highlight any recent developments of the new Trump Administration that will affect healthcare system or organizations' client operations.

Probate & Estates Section Presents: Understanding the Role of the Harris County Office of Public Probate Administrator
Join the Probate & Estates Section for their March CLE: Understanding the role of the Harris County Office of Public Probate Administrator, featuring Attorney Brandon Cofield.

Expungement Legal Clinic
At the Houston Lawyers Association, we are committed to creating opportunities for second chances. Our Expungement Clinic is dedicated to helping individuals in our community clear their criminal records, opening doors to better employment, housing, and other essential resources.
Whether you are seeking guidance on the expungement process or looking for direct legal assistance, our team of experienced attorneys and volunteers is here to support you every step of the way.

Family Law Section Presents: It Takes A Village- Exploring Grandparent’s Rights in Texas CLE
Join the Family Law Section for their March CLE: It Takes A Village- Exploring Grandparent’s Rights in Texas. This CLE is featuring Attorney Cherika Edwards with the Law Office of Cherika Edwards.

Walk and Talk with DTG and HLA
Join HLA and The Downtown Group for our Women’s History Month event: ‘Walk and Talk with DTG and HLA! Attendees will get their steps in while learning about trailblazing women in the legal field.
RSVP today!

Solo/Small Firm Section Presents: Leveraging Technology- Tools and Tips for Efficiency and Profitability CLE
Join the Solo/Small Firm Section for their March CLE: Leveraging Technology- Tools and Tips for Efficiency and Profitability CLE, featuring Attorney D’Angelo Lowe.

HLA Takes the Rodeo
Join HLA for an evening of fun, fellowship, and celebration as we gather for Black Heritage Night at the Houston Rodeo! We have limited tickets available for the concert, and we will end the night at the Houston Rodeo Hideout (White Tent).
For more information about the rodeo, please visit: https://www.rodeohouston.com/

Judicial Section Presents: From the Bench to the Bar- The Role of Jury Panels in Strengthening Confidence in the Justice System CLE
Join the Judicial Section for their March CLE, From the Bench to the Bar: The Role of Jury Panels in Strengthening Confidence in the Justice System, featuring Hon. LaShawn Williams, Presiding Judge of Harris County Court at Law No.4!

Transactional Section Presents: Navigating the IP Landscape
Join the Transactional Section for their February CLE: Navigating the IP Landscape, featuring Attorney Carissa Olowos, with Greenberg Traurig, LLP.
This CLE will explore the fundamentals of intellectual property law and the ethical challenges that come with protecting innovation. We’ll discuss key topics like patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, along with ethical concerns such as fair use, conflicts of interest, and responsible enforcement. Attorneys will learn how to safeguard IP rights while maintaining integrity in legal and business practices.
Expungement Clinic Volunteer Meeting
Calling all Expungement Clinic Volunteers and Pro Bono Attorneys, join us for our volunteer orientation meeting to discuss the roles and responsibilities of volunteers.
Questions? Contact Adrianna Ivory at director4@houstonlawyersassociation.org

Tri BLSA Speed Networking Mixer
Join the Tri-BLSA chapters and Houston Lawyers Association for an evening of networking and community. This event is open to law students and attorneys.
Bring your business cards!

Job Interview Workshop
Are you preparing for job interviews and looking to stand out? Join the Houston Lawyers Association's Mentorship Committee for an engaging and informative Job Interview Workshop + Mock Interviews

Personal Injury Section Presents: Cross Examination of Medical Experts in Trial CLE
Join the Personal Injury Section for their February CLE: Cross Examination of Medical Experts in Trial.

Volunteer: Pathway to Law- Law Week
The State Bar of Texas African American Lawyers Section is in need of volunteer attorneys to participate in Law Week, to include an in-person informational session, networking, and brand management covering the path to practicing law.
Guidance will be provided to each participant prior to the session.

Presidents' Social
Join HLA for our 2025 Presidents’ Social at Bungalow. This social will be an opportunity for HLA Members and supporters to network and mingle, while honoring past HLA Presidents and their contribution to the Houston Lawyers Association.
RSVP today!
Questions? Contact events@houstonlawyersassociation.org

Civil Litigation Section Presents: The Texas Supreme Court Update- Attorney’s Fees
Join the Civil Litigation Section for their February CLE: The Texas Supreme Court Update- Attorney’s Fees.

Criminal Law Section Presents: How to File Criminal Expunctions in Texas
Join the Criminal Law Section for their February CLE: How to File Criminal Expunctions in Texas.

February General Body Meeting
Join HLA for our February General Body Meeting: Commercial Bankruptcy 101, featuring Attorney Sean Davis, Winstead PC. This CLE will provide an overview of commercial bankruptcy, including common concepts, useful tools, and pitfalls of which businesses and practitioners should be mindful.

HLA Board Elections Informational
Are you interested in joining the HLA Board of Directors?
Join us for our February Informational and learn about roles, responsibilities and how you can help shape the future of HLA.
Attendance is mandatory for anyone interested in running for a Board Position.

February First Friday
Join HLA for our monthly First Friday networking mixer! This exciting Black History Month social will be our first cross industry mixer with Houston Medical Forum! Connect with legal and medical professionals to unwind, engage, and expand your network!

Breakfast with the Judges
Join us for Breakfast with the Judges, hosted by the Houston Lawyers Association! This signature event offers a unique opportunity to connect with members of the judiciary in an intimate and engaging setting. Enjoy a delicious breakfast while fostering meaningful conversations, building relationships, and gaining valuable insights into the legal profession.

Capital Strategies Advocacy Training & CLE
This Continuing Legal Education (CLE) is designed to equip attorneys with the tools, knowledge, and strategies needed to effectively advocate during the Texas Legislative Session.

Camp Logan Play at Ensemble Theatre
join HLA and the Federal Bar Association as we attend the performance of Camp Logan by Celeste Bedford Walker (Rated - PG-13), which is an award-winning World War I military drama about the devastating explosion of racial tensions that resulted in the 1917 Houston riot, involving an all-black Army regiment stationed in Houston, Texas.
Finance and Fundraising Committee Meeting
Join the Finance & Fundraising Committee for their monthly Committee meeting.
Questions? Contact F&F Committee Chair Bradford Moye at email: donate@houstonlawyersassociation.org
Membership Committee Meeting
Join us for our monthly Membership Committee Meeting.
Questions? Contact Membership Committee Chair Elan Moore-Jones at email: membership@houstonlawyersassociation.org

MLK Day of Community Service
HLA is seeking volunteers to join us on MLK Day to give back to the community and assist the YMCA with sorting, packing and restocking their shelves to welcome YMCA clients into a refreshed space.
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Committee Meeting
Join the CLE Committee for their monthly committee meeting.
Questions? Contact CLE Committee Chair Simone Bray-Albloshi at email: cle@houstonlawyersassociation.org
Mentorship Committee Meeting
Join us for our monthly Mentorship Committee Meeting.
Questions? Contact Mentorship Committee Co-Chairs, Nicci Campbell and Zakiya Carter at email: mentorship@houstonlawyersassociation.org

January General Body Meeting
Join HLA for our January General Body Meeting and CLE featuring Shannon Hunter from Coats Rose PC. This CLE will discuss the various options available for Affordable & Workforce Housing Development under Texas State Law and Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Community Service Committee Meeting
Join us for our monthly Community Service Committee meeting.
Questions? Contact Community Service Committee Chair, Andrea James at email: service@houstonlawyersassociation.org
Historical Committee Meeting
Join us for our monthly Historical Committee Meeting.
Questions? Contact Historical Committee Chair, Elizabeth Lockett at email: history@houstonlawyersassociation.org
Gala/Scholarships and Awards Committee Meeting
Join the Gala, Scholarships & Awards Committee for their monthly Committee meeting.
Contact Scholarships & Awards Committee Co-Chair, Brittny Mandarino at email: awards@houstonlawyersassociation.org or scholarships@houstonlawyersassociation.org
Contact Gala Chair Traci Gibson at email: gala@houstonlawyersassociation.org
Programming Committee Meeting
Please join us for our monthly Programming Committee Meeting at 5pm CST!
Questions? Contact Programming Committee Chair, Markia Bordeaux at email: events@houstonlawyersassociation.org
Advocacy Committee Meeting
Join us for our monthly Advocacy Committee Meeting!
Questions? Contact Advocacy Committee Chairs at email: advocacy@houstonlawyersassociation.org
Annual Holiday Party
Join HLA as we attend the Annual Christmas Party hosted by The Downtown Group and Sweatt Equity, Tuesday, December 17th!

Operation Love Volunteering
Join the Houston Lawyers Association in spreading holiday cheer at our annual Operation Love Toy Drive! This special event is dedicated to bringing joy to families in need this holiday season.
We are seeking enthusiastic volunteers to help with a variety of tasks, sign up today!